Allegro Solutions/Karen Walsh

What We Do

I am a non-practicing attorney and former internal auditor who provides Subject-Matter-Expertise-as-a-Service for companies to help them identify where their products enable compliance and within the larger cybersecurity technology stack. I have domain expertise across:- Identity and Access Management, including biometric authentication and passwordless technologies - Third-party risk management- Centralized log management- Cyber threat intelligence- Red/Blue/Purple Teaming- Threat modelingI have read and/or written on the following compliance mandates multiple times:- PCI DSS- GDPR- CCPA/CPRA- NY DFS Cybersecurity Rule- HIPAA- NIS 2 Directive- Executive Order - CMMC

Notes from the Vendor


Industry Specializations

Education, Financial Services, Hospitals and Health Care, Manufacturing, Oil, Gas, and Mining, Regulatory and non-regulatory compliance

Typical Client Sizes

I focus on marketing content and messaging, typically working with the Seed to Series B organizations who need content but lack funding to hire internally.


You can find my pricing sheet here: