AimPoint Group, LLC

What We Do

We provide expert content and fractional marketing support (content, pmm, demand gen, etc.), exclusively for cybersecurity solution providers.

Notes from the Vendor

How APG is different:1. We know security. We come to the table with intimate knowledge of the related technologies, personas, and security landscape in general. Just tell us what makes your solution different/better than your competitors and share your latest messaging;, then we’re off to the races.2. We build partnerships. Our goal is to work with you in a manner that best fits your needs. Key principles that guide our efforts: no pressure, low burden, high flexibility, scrupulously fair, always willing to go the extra mile.

Industry Specializations

Typical Client Sizes

We work with companies of all sizes (from 3 to 3000 employees) and funding status (from bootstrap to publicly traded).


For projects, we use a fixed-fee structure. For staff augmentation, pricing is based on an hourly rate. Our rate card is available upon request.